The Post Judgment Scenario : OROP

Whether or not the IESM litigation on OROP is to be considered a closed chapter would be for the petitioners to decide. The specific challenge to the policy dimensions on OROP, as laid down in the Government of India letter dated Nov 2015. could certainly be construed as done and dusted after the very clear rulings on it as contained in judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

From what was known to ESM not directly involved with the IESM petition, it never appeared that the arguments had focused so much on how much the implementation vide Govt letter dated Feb 2016 actually conformed to provisions of the letter dated Nov 2015, the stress having been on targeting the latter. There is still no comprehensive record available whether specific anomalies created by the letter dated Feb 2016 were included in arguments except for the much discussed issues of “One Rank Many Pensions”, “Automatic vs periodic review”, “date/year of implementation” or “max or avg of min and max”.

My own past perceptions of the way OROP campaign had unfolded over the years as well as the issues that had needed to be addressed had been blogged on. During the closing days of the petition and after the recent judgment, I’ve gone over some of the past posts and found them still relevant:

  • There’s a need to rise above OROP as a slogan. If there is an issue of disparity and unfairness around the pensionary awards of ESM and attention needs to be focused on those, then a slogan or a mission chant does become a productive and unifying rallying point. However there is a constant need to be aware the wording or, in this case, letters of the slogan do not limit the wider scope of the objective of ensuring justice for ESM. A past blog post had touched on this aspect ➡️ Beyond The OROP "Slogan"
  • There is a requirement to examine the logic of quantifying the service of older ESM on the basis of rational and constant measures and to accept that “Rank”, even in combination with QS, is not a logical sole parameter for establishing pension parity. In that respect the sentence in the judgment to the effect that “those having the same rank are not part of a homogeneous group” takes on another profound dimension in other contexts as well. These issues have been mentioned repeatedly in the past on this blog. This post provides a reasonable summary of the concept ➡️ The Hazards Of Ignoring The Non-One-ness Of "One" in OROP
  • There is a need to examine all issues relating to ESM pensions in totality, not just from the OROP point of view. These could include anomalies of previous pay commissions, AVS Committee, and those caused by 7CPC. NFU is still outside purview of any discussions on pensions other than separately, in a hypothetical sense. ➡️ LOOKING BACK AT 6 CPC PENSIONS THROUGH THE OROP AND 7 CPC PRISM
  • From the time of release of OROP tables in 2016, there has been a need to critically examine how the actual implementation complied with the Government's own definition of letter dated Nov 2015. That is an exercise that can still be performed and not necessarily through litigation. My own views of 2016 may not appear as unfounded as they might have done at that time ➡️ First Impressions Of The OROP Tables 
The Possible Way Forward

There are some distinct areas that need the attention of ESM bodies, leading interlocuters, services HQs, TRIPAS and, of course, DESW and MOD. These issues can be resolved through rationalisation of past policy decisions that have resulted in anomalies. The following list could be expanded upon through feedback and online interactions:
  • Retrospective implementation of awards such as MACP needs to be considered by way of policy decisions brought about through consultations between IESM bodies, services HQs and MOD. If need be, obtaining some kind of binding legislative approval could be included in the overall approach. The first requirement in such reasoning is to arrive at a consensus on the need for equity in respect of current pensions of veterans who had retired in the past.
  • There is a need for clarity and agreement on the concept of “equal remuneration for equal work” and, equally importantly, the basis of defining “equal work”. Let us never forget that a pension received in the present is a deferred wage and it should be the same for the same amount of service rendered, whether now or in the past. 
  • Policies in this regard need to be amended through the consultative approach I have suggested. Thus “Equal Pension For Equal Service/Work” could have been the title of the approach but OROP can now be reformatted to include that wider approach instead of there being a move to change the title. 7 CPC even cited the principle of “Inter Temporal Equity” in respect of pensions. Though mechanics of implementing 7CPC fall well short of the cited principle, there is room for rationalisation and OROP could evolve into something approaching “ITE”.
  • Future-proofing of pension-parities is most desirable to prevent needless generation of grievances and resulting recrimination. The 7 CPC Matrix is actually a perfect concept for bringing about the previously mentioned “Inter Temporal Equity” in regard to pensions provided placement of older ESM in “levels” as well as at “Increment Stages” of the matrix conforms to the rational definition of “equal work”. The matrix not only needs to follow some form of “notional progression”, it also needs to define progression brought about by MACP or, possibly, NFU. The past post is just an example. Progression on these lines, as suggested in the past, needs to be defined for all levels related to ESM ➡️ Some Notions Of Progression 
This may also be an opportune time to recognise the tremendous work load on the administrative machinery in formulating and executing policy decisions. There is a need to acknowledge the hard work done by civilian personnel  at many levels to make pension awards workable. There is no room for suspicion, resentment or hostility towards those sections of Government of our country in case some perceived injustice, real or otherwise, afflicts pensionary awards.

Data On Past OROP Fixation

 Watch This Space

In the meantime this chart might help to point the way forward. The link provided in it is also relevant. ➡️ 

Measuring Possible Outcomes Of The OROP Litigation : Officer Veterans


What follows would be a repeat of several ideas recorded on the matter in the past. But considering the stage of finality reached in litigation in the matter, now that the petition has finally been represented, with a truly commendable and heroic effort on part of the petitioners, the judgment having been reserved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, it may not hurt to put on record a brief gist as it would not be out of place for armed forces veterans in all ranks to have some yardsticks for the outcome they expect.

One main issue with the coverage of the case on social media or blogs has been the lack of full details of all the issues sought to be addressed in the petition. The broad points are known, of course, that:

  • Implementation of OROP for older retirees  should have been from the same year (in year 2013 or 2014) that the pensions of current retirees with the same rank and the same years of service had been taken into account.
  • OROP for older retirees should have been fixed at the maximum pension of retirees with the same rank and same years of service  (2013 or 2014) and not at the average of minimum and maximum of pensions.
  • Revision of OROP should have been done annually and not at intervals of five years.
  • The frequently quoted phrase that OROP should not be “One Rank Many Pensions”.
What is not very clear at present is whether or not the petition also sought to get a resolution of other glaring anomalies of OROP implementation. It would also not be wise to speculate whether all dimensions of parity and equity in OROP implementation would be taken into account by the Hon’ble Supreme Court if these did not form part of the Petition. 

In order to restrict any view on the subject to manageable dimensions, it may be best to take the example of a smaller subset of the veteran pensioners where uniform concepts can be applied in respect of the degree of relief that could be justifiably anticipated. 

OROP for Officer veterans can be a case in point. 

Here, a review of the concept of equity and parity is essential. The OROP abbreviation needs an application of mind. The implication of “One Rank”, that is talked and written about so much, needs to be understood fully. I had mentioned this in previous posts, in Tweets as well as in direct messages. It may be useful to highlight the same briefly even as we wait for the judgment. 

Essentially, OROP needs to deliver parity between deferred wage of older ESM pensioners with the deferred wage of service personnel who have rendered the same amount of service and retired in a benchmark/base year (presently the year 2013). 

That would sync with the well established concept of “Equal Remuneration For Equal Work”. However, there is a need for rationally establishing logical parameters that would define “same amount of service” and “equal work”. 

“One Rank” when combined with “Equal Service (in years)” is a very reasonable basis for defining “Same Service” or “Equal Work” and for forming a basis for delivering pension parity in most cases 

In the case of a Col (select), for example, the common parameters would be:

  • The type of commission (eg Regular Commission). 
  • The categorisation for pensions conventionally followed  based on Arm/Branch/Service [such as in the common table for "Regular Commissioned Officers Of Army And Equivalent Ranks In Navy And Air Force (Other Than Officers Of AMC/ADC/RVC, EC/SSC, MNS)].
  • The fact of having been promoted  to select rank of Col. 
  • The qualifying service in number of years. 

In other words, OROP of a Col(select) who retired with 25 years of service before the “benchmark/base year” (presently 2013) date of implementation viz., 01 Jul 2014, needs to be equal to the pension (the highest and not the average, as per the petition) drawn by a Col (select) with equal service retiring in the benchmark year. The same logic would appear to hold for higher selection based Officer ranks of Brigadier, Maj Gen and Lt Gen. 

Therefore, as all select Officer ranks in the benchmark/base year (presently 2013) have a one-to-one equivalence with select ranks of veteran Officers who had retired prior to the benchmark year, there would not be much of a problem in fixing OROP for these veteran Officers. 

The problem arises, and it is a real one, when OROP is considered for ranks of Lt Col, Maj, Capt. These are now time-bound ranks and as these ranks are obtained on the basis of qualifying service and not by the common factor of promotion by selection, the actual "Rank" has to take a backseat relative to other factors required for determining what constitutes "equal work" or "same service". 

Attributes of time-bound Officer ranks have changed over time. The concept has found resonance in several sections of the blogosphere that a "Major" rank of yesteryear is not the same as the "Major" rank of 2013. There was a time Major rank would be attained at a service of 14 years. In the benchmark/base year (presently 2013), Major rank is attained at a QS of 6 years. In the benchmark year Officers progress on time-bound basis to rank of Lt Col on completing a service of 11 years. How can the OROP of older pensioners in that old rank of "Major" be fixed based on "One Rank"? How can these two Major ranks, with different attributes, be considered "One Rank"? These are disparate in terms of their attributes. 

The issue of "same or equal service" can't be addressed by spellings of the rank alone. The equivalence of two measures of a commodity can't be established if these are weighed on two different scales which both display the weight as "5" if the first measure is weighed in a scale that reads in Pounds Avoirdupois and the second one on a scale that reads in Kilograms. 

Some far from enlightened reasoning has surfaced in recorded "wisdom", as reflected in official correspondence/Minutes of Meetings obtained through RTI by veterans actively engaged on ESM issues. In some circles, it has been actually stated that benefits in terms of enhanced remuneration resulting from cadre restructuring need not be passed on to older retirees. 

Just let us consider this for a moment, if an Officer with a regular commission retired in a time-bound rank at a QS of 20 years, in benchmark year of 2013, with a pension of Rs.31305/-, then would there be any justification in fixing the pension at Rs.21530/- of an older, pre Dec 2004, Officer veteran, with a regular commission, who also retired in a time-bound rank at a QS of 20 years? Yet, OROP has been fixed in just that fashion, ignoring the "same service" of both veterans as well as completely disregarding the fact that if the former retired in the old rank of Major and the latter in the new time-bound rank of Lt Col, that forms no justifiable basis for fixing the OROP at such different levels. 

The same considerations apply to OROP for older pensioners in rank of Lt Col who had completed 26 years of service. Nowadays, as in the base year of 2013, officers progress on time bound basis to rank of Col(TS). 

I have seen this question repeated across several online discussions,  blogs and twitter accounts, in different forms, and fully understand the relevance as to the pension of which Major retiree of base year 2013 with service with QS more than 20 years was used for determining OROP of older Maj pensioners? Why were these Maj retirees of 2013 not Lt Col? The same applies to pensions of Lt Col with more than 26 years of service. 

That is why, the following blog posts may still be relevant:

  • The need to recognise that parity of pensions in OROP can not be limited by the words "One Rank" as these may not really be applicable to time bound ranks.
  • For veterans in time-bound Officer ranks, there is a need for notionally progressing to a level of remuneration based on the distinct defining parameters that define the quantum of Service they have rendered, viz., the nature of their Commission, the grouping associated with pension fixation and their QS at retirement. Rank can only be a secondary determinant of OROP in their case.

Whether or not these issues found a place in the petition or will receive a consideration by Hon'ble Supreme Court would only be revealed when the judgment is available

{Addendum: They didn’t 😶}


Some Issues To Remember About OROP and Pension Fixations In 7CPC

All veterans are aware that there are a number of litigations on pensionary matters presently pending in AFTs, Hon'ble High Courts and the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Considering the large numbers involved, it would be futile even to attempt to list them all.

However, this blog-post was felt necessary after having come across some rather alarming and disturbing online posts by commentators who have been quite central to online debate on these matters, starting right from the era of Rank Pay litigation.

More than the wording of these online comments, it is the sentiment and reasoning underlying the posts that give rise to a feeling of unease. These issues affect a large number of ESM, so hubris on account of one's own views and/or of a rather vested approach of being guided by sanctity of pensionary awards of only a select class, can't contribute towards generating awareness or suggesting remedies in consultative fashion for a resolution.

Most aspects have already been touched upon in the past. But now, as the OROP litigation moves towards a decisive phase, it could, perhaps, be useful to not lose sight of some features of the complex issue as listed in this brief and far from comprehensive list. Following the links provided, it may be possible to arrive at a more complete picture rather than through brief interactions on social-media:

  • The tell tale signatures of disadvantages in OROP to some rank-QS combinations need to be looked at analytically👉 in this blog post 
  • How the stress on just "One Rank" in OROP and ignoring the even more crtical need of a "notional progression" for OROP fixation can cause non-redressal of anomalous fixations for some QS-rank combinations 👉 as outlined here
  • There may be a need to examine how truthful and rational the methodology of OROP fixation was even in terms of using the "average of minimum and maximum" rather than the maximum value of pension of a QS-rank combination in 2013 and to try to arrive at an understanding of the glaring gaps that show up in graphical data 👉 shown in this blog-post
  • Equally important is a need for esteemed interlocuters to re-examine their apparent endorsements of what some notings on files seem to assert while justifying the non-revision of OROP. The actual situation indicates those assertions could have less than valid application in many cases 👉 as explained here.