All veterans are aware that there are a number of litigations on pensionary matters presently pending in AFTs, Hon'ble High Courts and the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Considering the large numbers involved, it would be futile even to attempt to list them all.
However, this blog-post was felt necessary after having come across some rather alarming and disturbing online posts by commentators who have been quite central to online debate on these matters, starting right from the era of Rank Pay litigation.
More than the wording of these online comments, it is the sentiment and reasoning underlying the posts that give rise to a feeling of unease. These issues affect a large number of ESM, so hubris on account of one's own views and/or of a rather vested approach of being guided by sanctity of pensionary awards of only a select class, can't contribute towards generating awareness or suggesting remedies in consultative fashion for a resolution.
Most aspects have already been touched upon in the past. But now, as the OROP litigation moves towards a decisive phase, it could, perhaps, be useful to not lose sight of some features of the complex issue as listed in this brief and far from comprehensive list. Following the links provided, it may be possible to arrive at a more complete picture rather than through brief interactions on social-media:
- The tell tale signatures of disadvantages in OROP to some rank-QS combinations need to be looked at analytically👉 in this blog post
- How the stress on just "One Rank" in OROP and ignoring the even more crtical need of a "notional progression" for OROP fixation can cause non-redressal of anomalous fixations for some QS-rank combinations 👉 as outlined here.
- There may be a need to examine how truthful and rational the methodology of OROP fixation was even in terms of using the "average of minimum and maximum" rather than the maximum value of pension of a QS-rank combination in 2013 and to try to arrive at an understanding of the glaring gaps that show up in graphical data 👉 shown in this blog-post.
- Equally important is a need for esteemed interlocuters to re-examine their apparent endorsements of what some notings on files seem to assert while justifying the non-revision of OROP. The actual situation indicates those assertions could have less than valid application in many cases 👉 as explained here.