an objective, unbiased view is to be formed of the efficacy of ECHS as a
system, one ought to, first of all, obtain an awareness of the limitations
under which the medical and administrative staff function and the extra mile some of them
cover to compensate for lacunae and shortcomings in respect of resources.
an appreciation, of the efforts made by the doctors and managers, as the first
stepping stone towards reaching an understanding of what more needs to be done,
perhaps the next step ought to be a random sampling of some of the common
experiences of the user-stakeholders .
quality of experience is never constant. It can vary from time to time and from
one polyclinic to another. As an example, at some polyclinics a couple of issues
have been a source of difficulty lately:
Procedures For Collecting Medicine: A few medicines are sometimes
unavailable at any typical ECHS polyclinic. In order to collect such medicines,
veterans share the following experiences:
v An ECHS member waits in queue to
register for consultation.
v Then, he or she waits in queue for
the turn to consult with the specialist.
v After the consultation, there is
another wait in another queue for having the medicine dispensed at the
collection counter. The ECHS member gets the prescription back with the
unavailable medicines circled in red with the annotation "N/A".
v This piece of paper has to be taken
to another counter for getting rubber stamps affixed.
v The rubber-stamped prescription has
to be taken back to the doctor for his signature.
v The patient then proceeds to the
Officer In-charge of the polyclinic for his counter-signature.
v Then, with this document, the ECHS
member proceeds to the nearest Military Hospital/Base Hospital/Command
Hospital, most likely to be situated miles away, which dispenses drugs, not
available at polyclinics.
v Then, the patient again waits in a
queue at the MH/BH/CH medicine-counter for ECHS. Sometimes, some of the
medicines are also not available at the MH/BH/CH, in which case the personnel
at the dispensing counter endorse the non-availability in the record book of
the patient.
v The patient then repeats the whole
or part of the process outlined above, several days later.
Procedure For Issue Of "All
India" ECHS Cards:
Of late, ECHS cards are being issued on an "All India" basis. With
these, an entitled veteran can avail ECHS facilities at polyclinics other than
the parent polyclinic in case the entitled veteran happens to be out-of-station
and requires medical help.
v This ought to count as an
improvement with the only rider being that this could have been incorporated at
the very outset, especially considering that the complete data of the entitled
veteran is captured in digital format anyway. The need to apply afresh for a
card can be reviewed and the feasibility of converting the existing cards, to
the pan-India mode, can be examined.
v But keeping in view the fact that
smart card vendors also contribute to the national GDP and that one ought not
to begrudge them a modest fee for issue of the pan-India cards, it ought to be
possible, with a little mental effort, to put that issue aside. What appears
more in need of rationalisation is the process adopted for issue of these
pan-India cards.
the application forms are available only at the regional ECHS centres situated
miles away in a cantonment. Even a quick glance at the forms reveals these are
not security-press creations. It's easy enough to realize even a handwritten
application based on a common facsimile would suffice just as nicely.
applications can be submitted at the polyclinic and dispatched in batches to
the regional centre. There is no reason why the entire process can’t be done
online. In any case, there may well be some room for reviewing the current
requirement of making one trip for collecting the form, another for getting a
demand-draft made at a bank and yet another trip back to the regional centre
for submitting the completed application.
the application has been submitted, the staff on duty at the ECHS Regional
Centre convey the information that the cards would be delivered after about
three months. One needs to consider that even civilian departments, not famous
for being especially citizen-friendly, deliver such cards within a week or a
fortnight. So, perhaps, there also exists a need to rationalise the process
time of 3 months for issue of a smart card in this day and age.
payment of Municipal Taxes in the present networked age has been simplified and
made possible online for the general civilian public. It may not be out of
place to consider the archaic nature of the practice of getting drafts made for ECHS
cards and replacing it with the facility of making payments through online banking.
processes of the civilian variety are not exactly suited to military
organisations and the military style of management. When civilian red-tape is not exactly everyone's cup of tea amongst the defence brotherhood, surely
convenient processes that involve a simple click or two of the mouse would be
the logical choice for ensuring the delivery of a service to veterans of the
Indian armed forces.
for all one knows, these experiences may not be all that common across the
country. In some parts, difficulties of another kind might be the norm.
Comments are invited for enlightening all stakeholders in the system and for
providing constructive feedback to effect changes wherever possible.
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