This was anticipated.
Discussions have begun to address issues related to VII CPC
even as pending matters arising out of VI CPC continue to receive attention on
a parallel plane.
It is indeed praiseworthy that future courses of action are
now being planned and foresight coupled with experience are now in play for
ensuring future outcomes meet the expectations of those in uniform as well as
armed forces veterans.
However, the manner in which progress has come to a
stand-still, be it in the Rank Pay litigation, OROP or the sundry
representations on issues related to ESMs, is reminiscent of the state of
oppressive lack of movement in "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner"
"Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean".
"Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean".
There is a very urgent need to quickly grasp and act upon
the fact that crucial requirements are to prioritise ("First Things
First"), learn to distinguish between individual issues ("OROP is
different from Rank Pay") and to not be distracted from present issues by
engagements entered upon by way of discussions that might or might not have a
bearing on future outcomes.
To summarise:
- The Rank Pay litigation now awaits a hearing. A near-total lack of information on the current status of the subject contributes to a general perception of the issue being in a state of limbo.
- Even as OROP awaits finalisation by the Government, ESM bodies have not fully clarified as to where the matter of parities of even the current pensions, without OROP, stands. To clarify by an example, there is the issue of pensions of the 70s pre cadre-review retirees and pre AVS-I pensioners. The issue was discussed in greater detail in this blog post.
- In the case of OROP, the cut-off date and the mechanism, if any, for periodically upgrading pensions of previous retirees, remain unclear.
In my blog post I had suggested representation on issues as a starting point. Common cause approach, litigation, pay commission discussions can follow thereafter.